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Emozioni intense
Gabriele, Vestas Graduate
My role
Hello! My name is Gabriele. I joined the Graduate Programme in September 2009 as a Blades Production Engineer in Lem, Denmark. My second rotation is in Madrid in the Operations and Service Department.
My career path
I have a master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering, so as you can imagine, I like to understand and master the technical side of things. Being exposed everyday in the front lines, living constantly under pressure, dealing with new challenges and striving to give my best at every moment, this is what I am looking for. The Graduate Programme is a great opportunity, since you can explore the company from different angles, you can work in different countries and functions, working with both technical and managerial tasks.
My Vestas
Vestas is an incredible company. It’s a fast growing company, so the opportunities are there to be picked up if you’re ambitious and eager to take on new challenges. Why the Graduate Programme? Peter Drucker, the man who invented management, used to say that the best way to predict the future is to create it. The Graduate Programme is probably a good example of this philosophy. It’s a once in a lifetime possibility, why not go for it?
My network
Join Vestas and you’ll realize that the world is small after all. Working with colleagues from all around the world is the rule. To grow your network means also to develop yourself, your cultural awareness and your knowledge. Training camps, which occur twice a year while in the graduate programme, are also a great chance to travel and network. They are very intense but they provide the opportunity for networking in a more relaxed atmosphere.
My life
I like to be always on the move. Travelling is an essential part of my life. Discovering new cities, getting to know local people, experiencing different cultures is something I constantly need. Whenever I have the chance I also like to go sailing, do motocross and snowboard. They give me an incredible feeling of freedom. For more relaxed days, an art exhibition or a good book would be my choice.